By offering your services to your WWOOF hosts in exchange for accommodation and meals, you will be given the chance of a lifetime to learn about different cultural exchange and Organic farming. Any member who joins WWOOF will not be receiving any salary or daily allowances for their services at their host establishment. Each farm works on their own schedule so depending on which host establishment you decide to choose, you will be requested to work certain hours in accordance to your host establishments requirements.

Step 1:  Register now to become a WWOOF Taiwan member.

Step 2: Pay your membership fee upon submitting your online application.

Step 3: Immediately receive the farm host list once we have confirmed your payment.

MEMBER FEE: NT$800 per person that is good for one year from the date you remit.
(We only accept Taiwan Dollar)

Payment Methods:

1. Through PayPal
2. Through Bank Transfer

What is a WWOOFer?  Someone visiting a WWOOF host (organic farmer/grower) to lend a hand to learn about sustainable agriculture.

Useful Tips for WWOOFers

  1. Phone your hosts before 8.00am or between 6.00 and 8.00pm (Taiwan local time) for best chance of catching them. Please don’t ring after 9.00pm unless otherwise specified in the host’s entry. If you leave a phone message, make sure you speak SLOWLY & CLEARLY.
  2. Don’t expect the host to be able to pick you up at a moment’s notice! Contact the farm beforehand to make arrangements。
  3. MINIMUM STAY is for two (2) nights. Maximum as suits both parties. You do not have to remain at a host’s property if the conditions there are unfavorable to you
  4. We suggest a short visit at first, until you and your host find out how well you relate
  5. You will be expected to exchange about 4-6 hours per day of your time and energy for food and accommodation. This can be flexible and you should check with your hosts before arrival about work patterns or any other issue of concern. If you only see your host as free food and accommodation, that is NOT in the true spirit of WWOOF. Remember, you should do a half days work for a full days keep, on average
  6. Between 4-6 hours per day. The work varies depending on the place you choose to go to, it may be gathering, weeding, planting trees, environmental works, feeding animals; the work is as varied as the farms themselves. Ask your host before arriving about anything you need to know. Note that hosts are not permitted to involve WWOOFers in the use of chemicals
  7. Most farms rely on wells and underground water for water supplies. Do not waste it, and never assume there is plenty of it.
  8. Do not raid the refrigerator, telephone or E-mail facilities without asking
  9. You are expected to eat the food provided by your host – if you are on a special diet, PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN FOOD
  10. Alcohol and drugs should remain at home. Children and pets will only be accepted on WWOOF Host properties with the prior approval of the host
  11. Taiwan’s climate is tropical, with summers reaching as high as 38 degrees C. If you are planning to volunteer during the summer time be warned that it can get extremely hot and humid. Volunteers have to prepare themselves to withstand working under extreme heat while meeting the farmer’s demands. WWOOFers should be able to cope with the physical and mental demands of the WWOOF experience. Participants should have at least average physical fitness. The nature of the program is such that it is generally unsuitable for a person suffering from psychiatric or psychological conditions. If in doubt, please contact WWOOF and/or your Medical practitioner to discuss the matter
  12. WHAT TO BRING? SLEEPING BAG & TORCH. Most accommodation is in a spare room within the family home, check the entry for variations, usually bedding would be supplied, but this is not certain. Check when booking. BOOTS & GLOVES. While work can be anywhere in a house, garden or farm situation, always anticipate the worst weather etc, and carry (and wear) boots to protect your feet & ankles from injury, bites & stings; also gloves for hands. SUNGLASSES AND SUN HAT to protect yourself from sunburn & ultraviolet rays
  13. If wwoof volunteers want to stay at another farm in the middle of their trip, they must first notify Wwoof Taiwan so we can keep track of where you are to ensure your safty
  14. One of the first things you should do after arrival to the farm is to go to a local police station(you can have your farm host take you) to apply for a “流動戶口”. (This is a precautionary step if you want the local officials to have a record of you if something was to happen to you)
  15. Get accident/health insurance!